The Organizer window displays, listing the styles in your currently open document on the left.Click the Organizer button (4) on the Style window.Click the Styles button (3) on the Format Settings window.Go to the Show drop-down list at the bottom of the task pane and select the Custom option (2).Open the Styles and Formatting task pane ( Format > Styles and Formatting) to display the styles (1).Method 2: Delete many styles simultaneously right-click on the style you want to delete, then select Delete. Word 2007: Show the Styles window (click the dialog launcher at the lower right of the Styles group on the Home tab).Word 2003: Open the Styles and Formatting task pane ( Format > Styles and Formatting), right-click on the style you want to delete, then select Delete.If you only have a few styles to delete, it’s probably just as quick to do them one at a time: Check this Microsoft Knowledge Base article on how to do this in Word 2000 - it should apply to later versions too, though I haven’t tried any of their suggestions. Well, you can, but it requires some messing around. Note: You cannot delete the default styles.

The method you choose depends on how many you need to get rid of, and the steps vary a little depending on whether you’re using Word 2003 or Word 2007. There are several ways to get rid of unwanted styles. It is littered with unused styles (typically with weird style names!) and you want to get rid of these styles from your full list of styles once and for all.

You receive a Word document that’s been through many hands, maybe even several different companies.